Westworld, Olympiad Game
2022 / Film / Interfaces & Display Graphics

Westworld, Observation Room
2022 / Film / Interfaces & Display Graphics

Westworld, Demolition Control Room
2022 / Film / Interfaces & Display Graphics

Westworld, Vital Monitors
2022 / Film / Interfaces & Display Graphics

Westworld, Holding Chamber
2022 / Film / Interfaces & Display Graphics

Westworld, Comm Terminal
2022 / Film / Interfaces & Display Graphics

Westworld, Guard Station
2022 / Film / Interfaces & Display Graphics

Westworld, Handheld Devices
2022 / Film / Interfaces & Display Graphics

Westworld, Plant Servers
2022 / Film / Interfaces & Display Graphics

Westworld, Cryo Controls
2022 / Film / Interfaces & Display Graphics

The Peripheral
2022 / Film / Visual Design & Motion

Star Citizen
2020.04 / Game / Concept & FUI Design

2016 / Interface / Concept Explorations

Google TV Startup
2015 / Intro sequence for Sony GTV box

2014 / Mobile / Pattern Development

Samsung Android Shell
2013 / Mobile / Concept Explorations

2012.02 / Identity / Direction & Design

Sony PS4 Concepts
2011 / Interface / Concept Explorations

Sony Genome
2010 / Mobile / Concept Explorations

Magic Bullet Looks 2
2010.12 / Desktop Software / Visual Design

NFLN Surface
2010.11 / Commercial / Concept & Supervision

WebGL Demo Concept
2010.11 / Web Application / Concept Design

Bonfirelabs Website
2010.11 / Website / Concept & Visual Design

Need For Speed 13 Concepts
2010.10 / Game / Concept & Development

Dolby: The Difference
2010.07 / Motion Graphics / Design & Direction

2010.04 / Identity / Design

Gridiron Flow v.2
2010 / Desktop Software / Direction & Design

Media Mover Icon
2009.02 / Icon Design / Visual Design

FUI Show Reel 2008.06
2008.06 / Showreel / Interface Design for Film

2008.06 / Identity / Direction & Design

Gridiron Flow v.1
2007-2009 / Software/Direction & Design

55mm Icons
2007.06 / Icon Design / Visual Design

Nucleo Pro 2 Icon
2007.06 / Icon Design / Visual Design

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
2007.05 / Game / Direction & Design

Power Switch Identity
2007.05 / Identity / Direction & Design

2006.06 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

The Bourne Ultimatum
2006.12 / Film / Direction, Design& Motion

Fred Claus
2006.08 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

Children of Men
2006.04 / Film / Futurism, Direction & Design

Update 2057
2006.02 / Sci-fi Drama / Concept Design

2006.01 / Photo Software / UX, & Visual Design

Mission Impossible 3
2005.10 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

The Island
2005.01 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

Mr & Mrs Smith
2005.04 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

Triple X2: State of The Union
2004.07 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

Silhouette Roto & Paint
2004.04 / Software / Interaction & Visual

Predator Font
2004.01 / Type / Design

Alien vs Predator
2004.01 / Film / Concept Design & Direction

2003.11 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

Agent Cody Banks 2
2003.07 / Film / Direction Design & Motion

Layerlab Resources Website
2003.03 / Website / Interaction & Visual

Layerlab Product Database
2003.03 / Database / Design & Development

My Little Eye
2002.11 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

The Water Giant
2002.02 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

Blade 2
2001.03 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

The Bourne Identity
2000.12 / Film / Visual Design & Motion

Spy Game
2000.11 / Film / Visual Design & Motion

2000.11 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
2000.09 / Film / Direction, Design & Motion

The World Is Not Enough
1999.01 / Film / Visual Design & Motion