Note: code samples in this post are kept in sync with the latest stable Kotlin coroutines release. All the samples have been verified to work with release 1.9.0. Also see the official guide to UI programming with coroutines.

Kotlin 1.3 has been released, and one of the major additions to the language is the official graduation of coroutines from experimental to stable. Let’s take a look at how we can replace the old and venerable SwingWorker with something that is a bit more modern.

In the simplest use case, you do some kind of long-running work in your doInBackground() and then process the result of that work in done():

object : SwingWorker<List<StringValuePair>, Void>() {
    override fun doInBackground(): List<StringValuePair>? {
        return bar.callback.getLeafs(newPath)

    override fun done() {
        try {
        } catch (exc: Exception) {

There’s a whole bunch of noise, so to speak, around the core of the logic – calling breadcrumb bar’s callback to get the leaf content for the newly set path, and then populating the folder based on the retrieved content. Let’s see how this code can look like with coroutines:

filePanel.setFolder(GlobalScope.async {

In this case, we have distilled the core of the logic flow to its essence – asynchronous loading of the leaf content, followed by updating the UI. Another option is to collapse the async / await block into a single withContext to change the execution context away from the UI thread:

filePanel.setFolder(withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {

Note that once you switch to coroutines, you also need a larger context for proper synchronization. In Swing, it means wrapping the entire listener with GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Swing):

// Configure the breadcrumb bar to update the file panel every time
// the path changes
bar.model.addPathListener {
    GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Swing) {
        val newPath = bar.model.items
        if (newPath.size > 0) {
            // Use the Kotlin coroutines (experimental) to kick the
            // loading of the path leaf content off the UI thread and then
            // pipe it back to the UI thread in setFolder call.
            filePanel.setFolder(withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {

Now let’s take a look at something a bit more interactive – updating the UI on the ongoing progress of a long-running background task.

Let’s add a button and a label to a sample frame, and kick off a 5-second task that updates the UI every second on the progress using SwingWorker.process():

val button = JButton("Start operation!")
val status = JLabel("Progress")


button.addActionListener {
    class MyWorker : SwingWorker<Unit, Int>() {
        override fun doInBackground() {
            for (i in 1..5) {

        override fun process(chunks: MutableList<Int>?) {
            status.text = "Progress " + chunks?.joinToString()

        override fun done() {
            status.text = "Done!"

    val worker = MyWorker()

The first way to convert to coroutines would be with the help of channels:

button.addActionListener {
    GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Swing) {
        val channel = Channel<Int>()
        GlobalScope.launch {
            for (x in 1..5) {
                println("Sending $x " + SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())
                // This is happening off the main thread
                // Emulating long-running background processing
            // Close the channel as we're done processing
        // The next loop keeps on going as long as the channel is not closed
        for (y in channel) {
            println("Processing $y " + SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())

            status.text = "Progress $y"
        status.text = "Done!"

Note the usage of Dispatchers.Swing context that is passed to the GlobalScope.launch() function and the wrapping of the emulated long-running task in another GlobalScope.launch lambda. Then, as long as that lambda keeps on sending content into the channel, the for loop iterates over the channel content on the UI thread, and then relinquishes the UI thread so that it is no longer blocked.

Now let’s make it a little bit more structured. While code samples found in documentation and tutorials run on the lighter side of things (including this article), real-life apps would have more complexity on both sides of async processing. We’re going to split this logic into two parts – background processing of data and updating the UI on the main thread. Background processing becomes a separate function that returns a data channel:

fun process() : ReceiveChannel<Int> {
    val channel = Channel<Int>()
    GlobalScope.launch {
        for (x in 1..5) {
            println("Sending $x " + SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())
            // This is happening off the main thread
            // Emulating long-running background processing
        // Close the channel as we're done processing
    return channel

And UI code consumes the data posted to the channel and updates the relevant pieces:

button.addActionListener {
    GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Swing) {
        // The next loop keeps on going as long as the channel is not closed
        for (y in process()) {
            println("Processing $y " + SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())

            status.text = "Progress $y"
        status.text = "Done!"

Let’s make the background task cancellable so that the currently running operation can be safely canceled without subsequent erroneous UI updates. Background processing returns an object that has two parts – data channel and a job that can be canceled if needed:

class ProcessResult(val resultChannel: ReceiveChannel<Int>, val job: Job)

fun processCancelable() : ProcessResult {
    val channel = Channel()
    val job = GlobalScope.launch {
        for (x in 1..5) {
            if (!isActive) {
                // This async operation has been canceled
            println("Sending $x " + SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())
            // This is happening off the main thread
            // Emulating long-running background processing
        // Close the channel as we're done processing
    return ProcessResult(channel, job)

And on the UI side of things, we keep track of the last job that was kicked off and cancel it:

var currJob: Job? = null

button.addActionListener {
    GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Swing) {

        val processResult = processCancelable()
        currJob = processResult.job

        // The next loop keeps on going as long as the channel is not closed
        for (y in processResult.resultChannel) {
            println("Processing $y " + SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())

            status.text = "Progress $y"
        status.text = "Done!"

Finally, we can move away from the existing concept of data communication “pipe” between the two parts, and start thinking in terms of passing a lambda to be invoked by the data producer when it has completed processing the next chunk of data. In this last example, the producer marks itself with the suspend keyword and uses the parent context so that cancellation is properly propagated:

suspend fun processAlternative(job : Job, progress: (Int) -> Unit = {}) {
    for (x in 1..5) {
        // Emulating long-running background processing.
        // Use the parent job so that cancellation of the parent propagates in here.
        GlobalScope.async(context=job) {
            println("Running on " + SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())
        // And calling the callback on the UI thread
        println("Sending $x " + SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())

And the UI side of things supplies a lambda that updates the relevant UI pieces:

var currJob: Job? = null

button.addActionListener {

    currJob = GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Swing) {
        // This will run until all the sequential async blocks are done
        processAlternative(currJob!!) { progress ->
            println("Processing $progress " + SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())

            status.text = "Progress $progress"
    status.text = "Done!"

If you want start playing with replacing SwingWorker with coroutines, add org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-swing and org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core to your dependencies. The latest version for both of the modules is 1.9.0.

Hello Radiance

May 23rd, 2018

This week marks the beginning of a new phase for a bunch of my long-running open-source Swing projects. Some of them have started all the way back in 2005, and some have joined later on along the road. Over the years, they’ve been hosted on three sites (, and in three version control systems (cvs, svn, git). Approaching the 15th year mark (with a hiatus along the way), it’s clear that it’s time to revisit the fundamental structure of these projects and bring them into a more modern world.

Since these projects have been brought back to life in the last two years, the entire codebase has been revisited to clean up the cruft that has accumulated over time. Some of the explorations that I’ve embarked on have not went as well as I hoped they would be. That has been the fate of laf-plugin and laf-widget projects that aimed to bring common functionality across a variety of third-party look-and-feels, a field that is only seeing Substance and Synthetica as the two lone survivors.

Today I’m happy to announce the beginning of Project Radiance, the new umbrella brand that will unify and streamline the way Swing developers can integrate my libraries into their projects. At a high-level:

  • Radiance is a single project that provides a Gradle-based build that no longer relies on knowing exactly what to check out and where the dependent projects need to be located. It also uses proper third-party project dependencies to pull those at build time.
  • Starting from the very first release (planned for second half of 2018), Radiance will provide Maven artifacts for all core libraries – Trident (animation), Substance (look-and-feel), Flamingo (components), Ibis (SVG icons) and others.
  • The Kormorant sub-project is the first exploration into using Kotlin DSLs (domain-specific languages) for more declarative way of working with Swing UIs.
  • Flamingo components will only support Substance look-and-feel, no longer doing awkward and unnecessary tricks to try and support core and other third-party look-and-feels.

All the open bugs on existing GitHub projects have been migrated to be under Radiance. Once the migration of all the relevant documentation and older binaries to Radiance is complete in the next couple of weeks, those projects will be deleted from GitHub.

Starting from today, all new development such as bug fixes, feature work and documentation updates will only be done under Radiance. The versioning of all the projects will be unified going forward, resetting to 1.0. Some public APIs might move between sub-projects (going into Neon).

Releases 2018.H1

March 15th, 2018

Going with the biannual release cycle of my Swing projects, it’s time to do latest release batch.

Substance 8.0 (code-named Wyoming) is a major release that addresses technical debt accumulated in the API surface over the years and takes a major step towards enabling modern UI customizations for Swing applications. Full release notes and API listings are available, with the highlights being:

  • Unified API surface (Project Cerebrum)
  • Configurable title pane content (Project Visor)
  • Folded laf-plugin / laf-widget (Project Corpora)
  • Explicit instantiation of component and skin plugins
  • Switch to Material icons + icon pack support
  • Better support for fractional scaling factors

Flamingo 5.3 (code-named Liadan) has extracted the non-core functionality into two new projects:

  • Ibis has the code for using vector-based icons in Swing apps. It supports offline transcoding of SVG content into Java2D-powered classes, as well as dynamic display of SVG content at runtime (powered by the latest version of Apache Batik)
  • Spoonbill has the code for browsing SVN repositories with the JBreadcrumbBar component from the core Flamingo project. Future plans include extending this functionality to GitHub repositories as well.

If you’re in the business of writing Swing desktop applications, I’d love for you to take the latest releases of Substance and Flamingo for a spin. You can find the downloads in the /drop folders of the matching Github repositories. All of them require Java 8 to build and run.

Release candidates 2018.H1

February 28th, 2018

Going with the new biannual release cycle of my Swing projects, it’s time to do the release candidates for the latest iterations.

The first major pillar for Substance 8.0 (code-named Wyoming) is Project Cerebrum – unified API surface. The API surface for controlling the visual appearance and behavior of various parts of Substance has grown organically over the years. Part of this growth process has been experimenting with various ways to express this control, from client properties to VM flags to APIs on a number of classes.

Starting with 8.0, the only officially supported entry point into configuring the behavior of Substance-powered UIs and for querying the state of such UIs is via the org.pushingpixels.substance.api.SubstanceCortex class. The API surface of this class is broken into a number of scopes, with every scope applying at the specific granularity level of control

The second major pillar is Project Visor – configurable and custom title pane content. It provides a number of APIs to configure the layout in and around the title pane area of application windows. SubstanceCortex.GlobalScope.configureTitleContentGravity is the API to globally configure the gravity (edge alignment) of title pane content – title text, control buttons (minimize, maximize, close) and app icon.

The following APIs on the SubstanceCortex.WindowScope scope allow apps to extend the main content view into the title pane area – as can be seen in all the screenshots in this post:

  • extendContentIntoTitlePane(Window, SubstanceSlices.HorizontalGravity, SubstanceSlices.VerticalGravity) to marks the specified window to have its content extend vertically into the title pane area.
  • getTitlePaneControlInsets(Window) to query the insets that should be reserved for the main control buttons – close / maximize / minimize.
  • setPreferredTitlePaneHeight(Window, int) to increase the preferred height of the title pane area in case the content you extend into that area is taller than the main control buttons.
  • createTitlePaneControlButton(Window) to get a button that has consistent visual appearance and preferred size with the main control buttons.

Calling JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true) on the specific window is the mandatory pre-requisite to be extend the window content into the title pane area with SubstanceCortex.WindowScope.extendContentIntoTitlePane API. See the skeleton demo apps for sample code on how to use these APIs.

The third major pillar is Project Corpora. Up until version 8.0, Substance used to depend on laf-plugin and laf-widget. Those two projects were envisioned when the landscape of third party look-and-feels in particular, and Swing in general, was more vibrant. The goal was:

  • For laf-plugin to provide a common mechanism for specifying look-and-feel plugins for components libraries
  • For laf-widget to provide a collection of widgets that enhance the visual appearance and behavior of specific Swing components

The functionality of these two projects has now been folded into the main Substance codebase. The APIs for configuring animations and widgets are now part of the SubstanceCortex class

In addition, Substance 8.0 comes with:

  • Consistent package names for public APIs
  • Removed automatic discovery of Substance plugins (that could be used for injecting unintended behaviors into Swing apps powered by Substance)
  • Switch to Material icons for built-in components
  • Support for icon packs
  • Better support for fractional desktop scaling factors

Full release notes for Substance 8.0 are available here.

The biggest change in Flamingo 5.3 (code-named Liadan) is separating the non-core functionality into two new projects:

  • Ibis has the code for using vector-based icons in Swing apps. It supports offline transcoding of SVG content into Java2D-powered classes, as well as dynamic display of SVG content at runtime (powered by the latest version of Apache Batik)
  • Spoonbill has the code for browsing SVN repositories with the JBreadcrumbBar component from the core Flamingo project. Future plans include extending this functionality to GitHub repositories as well.

If you’re in the business of writing Swing desktop applications, I’d love for you to take the latest release candidates of Substance and Flamingo for a spin. You can find the downloads in the /drop folders of the matching Github repositories. All of them require Java 8 to build and run. The final releases are scheduled to happen in two weeks’ time, on the week of March 11th.