The colors of “Burlesque”
Art direction by Chris Cornwell, costume design by Michael Kaplan. Burlesque joins Chicago and Moulin Rouge with its rich sensual visuals, highlighted in the images below.
Art direction by Chris Cornwell, costume design by Michael Kaplan. Burlesque joins Chicago and Moulin Rouge with its rich sensual visuals, highlighted in the images below.
Maciej Ceglowski on developers spending too much time on the underlying pieces at the expense of polishing the UX and UI:
The Pinboard about page says: “There is absolutely nothing interesting about the Pinboard architecture or implementation; I consider that a feature!”
Can you explain why you think that’s a feature?
I believe that relying on very basic and well-understood technologies at the architectural level forces you to save all your cleverness and new ideas for the actual app, where it can make a difference to users.
I think many developers (myself included) are easily seduced by new technology and are willing to burn a lot of time rigging it together just for the joy of tinkering. So nowadays we see a lot of fairly uninteresting web apps with very technically sweet implementations. In designing Pinboard, I tried to steer clear of this temptation by picking very familiar, vanilla tools wherever possible so I would have no excuse for architectural wank.
More thoughts on this from Miguel de Icaza.
Bought the “Tangled” storybook for my daughter yesterday. Not sure who was more excited to take it home…
Beautiful work by Jean-Paul Orpinas and Disney illustrators.