Swing links of the week: June 29, 2008
June 30th, 2008
Here are some Swing links that you might have missed during this week:
- Alexander Potochkin shows how to use the new JXLayer to provide mouse auto-scrolling functionality. I have reviewed the available techniques in an earlier post, and this is yet another illustration of the capabilities of JXLayer.
- Jeff Friesen has an article that shows how use animated Windows cursors (in.ani format) in Swing applications. This builds on his previous article on extracting images from the Windows .ico files.
- Reginald Stadlbauer writes about the new release 3.4 of Squish automated GUI testing tool. View the release notes for the new functionality.
- Luan O’Carroll outlines his planned contributions to SwingLabs project. The contributions mainly focus on desktop publishing packages functionality, allowing support for different text flow modes.
- A new article on JavaSwing.net has a short overview on Swing threading and SwingWorker class.
- Finally, Alexey Utkin has released version 0.2.2 of JDICPlus that features native IDE drawing support for PDF, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook) and Flash.