Swing links of the week: June 15, 2008
June 15th, 2008
Here are some Swing links that you might have missed during this week:
- Jan Erik Paulsen experiments with the new functionality of shaped and translucent windows in 6u10. The screenshots are impressive, and he is correctly pointing out two main deficiencies of the current (semi-private) API. The first is that you need to attach a listener to re-compute the window shape on window resize, and the second is lack of auto soft-clipping on the window shape outline.
- Jan Haderka has announced release 0.9.3 of SwingX. The release notes are available as well, and my only wish is that the official 1.0 release will be before the project turns four years old (next March).
- Dave Gilbert has announced release 1.0.10 of his JFreeChart library.
- Gunnar Sletta writes about release 4.4.0 of Qt Jambi, a Java port of cross-platform Qt client application framework. In addition to supporting all the new Qt features, like Phonon, Webkit, Widgets in Graphics View, XQuery and Qt Concurrent, it also has an improved deployment system, JDBC support and a compile-time checked signal-slot approach.
- Artem Ananiev solicits feedback on the forthcoming JWebPane component. This is a little bit problematic without any kind of downloadable content and no (even preliminary) Javadocs of the current API. Collin Fagan (aberrant) has a few interesting requests in the comments section.
- Jebgeni Kabanov has a screencast on changing the source code of a running Swing application with JavaRebel. Looking at the screencast (is there supposed to be sound), it doesn’t look overly impressive. Most of the changed functionality is available only in a new instance of a form (not in the running ones), and there’s even a glimpse into an exception during the last few seconds of the clip (look in the background Eclipse).
- Andrew Sazonov has a nice utility class for scheduling a delayed invocation of an action listener. This is useful for delaying updating the detail pane as the user scrolls through the master table, or preventing highly dynamic updates of status strings in a progress indicator.
- Finally, there is a lot of interest generated in Greg Brown‘s entry on Pivot, a framework for building cross-platform applications to be deployed on both web and desktop. I concur with Greg that building a new framework on top of Swing and exposing the underlying Swing components is not the best approach, and Pivot builds on top of Java2D instead. There is an interesting comment on Ben Galbraith‘s entry on Pivot that highlights the current trend in RIA toolkits (AIR / Silverlight) – audio / video, animations and skinning.