Design, uninterrupted #69

September 20th, 2010

Today’s post highlights the design of A rather unusual color palette mixes dark olive and light yellow for background, with chartreuse and dull orange for section headers and links. This creates an overall cool and reserved look that highlights the perfectly balanced slideshow of agency work. Unlike similar slideshows on other sites, this design opts for a static featured case thumbnail placed above a scrollable looping gallery of images.

A large swath of light yellow directly below the slideshow serves two purposes. First, it further highlights the featured work (note oval drop shadows below the thumbnails). Second, it hosts a small snippet of the latest blog post with an attractively styled header, as well as an action button to sign up for a newsletter. Note the vertical gradients and drop shadows that add subtle dimensionality to the blog header ribbon, and the mixed typography in the header itself.

The bottom part of the page reuses the dark olive background (sans noise texture) and contains contact information, signup form and a few social links.