Better visuals for the JRibbon component, part I

October 22nd, 2007

It’s been more than two years since i first started working on all-Java version of the Office 2007 ribbon component (see part 1, part 2 and part 3). Since then, there have been quite a few visual improvements in the Substance look-and-feel, and it’s time to apply these to the Substance Flamingo plugin. This series will walk through the major UI changes to the JRibbon component that is now much better aligned with the look of core and SwingX components under Substance.

Here is how JRibbon looks under the Office Silver 2007 skin:

Here is how JRibbon looks under the Office Blue 2007 skin:

Here is how JRibbon looks under the Creme skin:

Here is how JRibbon looks under the Business skin:

And here is how JRibbon looks under the Autumn skin:

Want to take it for a spin? You’ll need the latest binaries of Substance, Flamingo and Substance Flamingo plugin.