Swing links of the week: October 7, 2007
October 7th, 2007
Here are some Swing links that you might have missed during this week:
- “Fling Scroller” article on java.net by Jan Haderka. Shows how easy it is to implement motion-based scrolling in lists with Timing Framework and a little bit of math. The comments show a similar approach that works on any scroll pane.
- The new Expression Layout manager by J. Stephen Kress. While the simple example is less readable at the first glance than FormLayout, time will tell if this approach is adopted by the individual developers and the tooling community. My advice to both this project and MigLayout – work with NetBeans, JFormDesigner and Instantiations to provide tooling support, either as the core functionality or third-party plugin.
- Milestone 1 of Bean Properties by Shai Almog is out. The timing is a little unfortunate and Beans Binding (JSR 295) seems to be getting all the attention, but the time you spend on reading the examples will not be spent in vain. It also has examples on integration with SwingX, Echo2 and Spring.