Trident progress
March 12th, 2009
The work on Trident animation library continues, and over the last couple of weeks the following functionality has been added to the SVN repository:
- Interpolating float properties on objects other than the main timeline object
- Interpolating fields of Point and Rectangle classes
- Respecting RunOnUIThread annotation on internally chained timeline callbacks
- Proper cancelling of scheduled timelines
- Looping timeline scenarios
The following three videos previously posted on my Twitter stream use most of the new functionality:
Better implementation of infotips. Initial delay prevents infotip flickering on fast mouse move. Sliding and resizing the infotip to the new location creates visual continuity:
A new demo (in the test.CropCircles class) showing multiple looping timelines and one looping rendezvous timeline scenario running in parallel:
and the same demo with slightly different parameter settings for the crop circles demo to illustrate the capabilities and performance: